
Showing posts from September, 2007

My First Travel outside the Philippines Entry 3?

Well.. since my last post, i was not able to update anymore. Anyway, i'm back home already and its been a week. How time flies. September 18,19,20,21 were all busy work days. But when September 21 ended, mini-"vacation" started. I really had so much going around and not worrying so much. September 18 or 19, tried out the SPA in my bathroom while watching rush hour 3, and so i felt... "This is the life!". September 20, we went to the city, went around, ate a chinese restaurant wherein the Fried Rice costs 13.5 AUD... and Plain rice which was also as plenty as the fried Rice cost 2 AUD. What a waste of money, we should have bought plain rice because the fried rice didn't feel any special. Servings were still big, we had beef, chicken, vegetables. Except for the fried rice, overall, food was great. It was raining during that day so the weather was EXTRA EXTRA cold. September 21, 3 other colleagues arrived in AU but for a different project, so we altogether went

My First Travel outside the Philippines Entry 2

And so days passed, and haven't had the time to really update my livejournal. Have been pretty busy most of the time, whether i'm usually out roaming around or at home/office working. Take note. WoRKING! Well, being able to get to here is luck, but definitely comes with a price. Last Friday was my first day of work. I felt so pressured and so scared; my screen was shared on the projector in front of everyone, besides that other people can see my screen through netmeeting. While there was discussion going on, my task was take notes of what was being discussed. Hard because sometimes I really don't get what they are talking about. Since it is my first M&M session, terms they use, processes they describe, every new thing that I just heard for my first time. It was quite an adjustment. But today, it has been better. Friday was work, then my first time to actually go to the city. Went with Raffy, took a bus to Sydney from North Ryde, which costs 4.60 AUD (*P38 if converted t

My First Travel outside the Philippines Entry 1

And so my story starts not outside the Philippines but still inside the Philippines. Farthest i've went is in Dumaguete by plane. Since I am not familiar with what to do and how its like in the airport, the first uncertainty I had (well we had,my mom went with me) was where to enter. Well, in the end, ANYWHERE with sign of ENTRANCE is the answer. Entered the gate, showed my passport and e-ticket. They had the "baggage x-ray machine" to check on the baggage. Since it was my first time, i didn't know that everything should be x-rayed. So when I was trying to go in, this machine alarms, and the woman says "X-tray", i didn't understand, went back, then stepped in front again, alarms again and she says "x-ray" or "x-tray". Then this Filipinoy guy gets a tray, points it there and tells me to remove my vest. Then i say, AHH ok yun pala. Guy says "ay sus, pinoy ka pala eh". Hehe. I was early, check-in time was stil at 3pm, was there

moved adventure...

and so, my supposed flight was tomorrow, and i was suppose to meet my boss when we arrive at the airport there, but seems there have again been changes... will be flying on wednesday alone... get there alone, and ride a taxi to the hotel alone... more adventure... also, am planning to extend my trip, my officemates will be extending, unfortunately i will not be able to fit in with their rooms or anything... i am not really close with them which makes it hard... its more of joining them to roam around... so i am currently looking for a hostel or anywhere, as long as a place to stay... still deciding on whether be going back home on a sunday or monday... preferably on a monday, so that i'll be with many people... so looking for a place to stay, means again a new first for me... not only will i be traveling alone... but i will find a place and stay on that place alone... with my own money... exciting? yeahh. hahaha..

my upcoming adventure...

and so, 6 days from now, i will be embarking on a new experience... for other people, traveling is normal and is part of their routine, whether every other year, yearly or even monthly travels... but for me, it would be a first. first time to travel out of the country... first time to live in a place on my own (well in a hotel though) but i have always stayed with either my family or friends... first time to take a plane for a long trip... first time to be alone on a plane... first time to really bring a luggage... and many more firsts for me... have always thought that i needed to experience becoming independent... well this is my chance... scary but exciting... be out for only 2 weeks though, but i think this is enough a long time to learn so much things... and i am grateful for this. have one week of work.. and have so much to fix and accomplish and meetings to attend to... have to think about so much things... so traveling is not really the focus on my mind right now... but its the