My First Travel outside the Philippines Entry 1

And so my story starts not outside the Philippines but still inside the Philippines. Farthest i've went is in Dumaguete by plane. Since I am not familiar with what to do and how its like in the airport, the first uncertainty I had (well we had,my mom went with me) was where to enter. Well, in the end, ANYWHERE with sign of ENTRANCE is the answer. Entered the gate, showed my passport and e-ticket. They had the "baggage x-ray machine" to check on the baggage. Since it was my first time, i didn't know that everything should be x-rayed. So when I was trying to go in, this machine alarms, and the woman says "X-tray", i didn't understand, went back, then stepped in front again, alarms again and she says "x-ray" or "x-tray". Then this Filipinoy guy gets a tray, points it there and tells me to remove my vest. Then i say, AHH ok yun pala. Guy says "ay sus, pinoy ka pala eh". Hehe. I was early, check-in time was stil at 3pm, was there at 230, had to wait for a while before the line for SQ was open. Went to the line, and the girl speaks to me in English. Well don't know if I looked Korean or something, After getting boarding passes, baggage claim receipt, went to glass, paid airport tax, then immigration. Immigration asked me where I waas going, what I was going to do, so I give her the I am an IT consultant and I am going to do Matching & Mapping Sessions, something like she didn't understand, and she let me go. After this part was the boring part, basically looked around, then went to airline waiting place. it was only 330pm, boarding of plane was at 530pm. So I waited, listened to my mp3 player, photographed some stuff. When time was up, entered the plane, sat down, played around with the equipment, (had movies, music, minigames). It was my first time so didn't know how to use it yet. I kept on clicking on everything, stewardess comes and asks, do you need anything, I said no. She says, don't click on that button. It was rainy weather or something, so ride was not too smooth. Nonetheless got to Singapore Airport and I was really happy. Besides the feeling of adventure, the place was really really nice, especially when you compare it to the Philippines. When I looked around, I felt like I was in a different world. Looking around, there were Europeans, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Americans, Arabians, Indians, etc... Totally not very Philippine looking like. I felt like I was one of them, "a foreigner". Went around, took some pictures, used the internet, walked around, then at 11pm went to checkin for my next flight, changai airport to sydney airport. Baggage check again, then waited, took a picture of myself using the mirror since I was on my own. Rode the plane, watched videos, ate turkey croissant (Sidetrack: the stewardess asked me for a drink, i told her beer and she says "its my duty to ask, how old are you", I answer 23 then gets beer), fell asleep, woke up, watched videos again, got breakfast (HEAVY breakfast) with hasbrown, cheese omellete, muffin, youghurt, fruits, sausage, tea and orange juice. as we arrived in Sydney, another boo boo happened. We were delayed for around 20-30 min, because the machine we were supposed to walk through had a problem. When I was in Sydney, upon getting to Immigration, i was stopped, talked to, interviewed and asked me why I was there, and so I did give him all the details why, good thing my laptop had batteries and i showed him my invitation letter, He verified with the office in Australia and while he was verifying a Filipina went near me and was asking me why I didn't sit down. Was I waiting to be cleared or something. I said its ok, then she asks where i am from. I said Philippines, she says, ahh you korean? I say no, she says you're chinese? i say yes, and she asks "marunong ka parn magtagalog", my answer syempre naman marunong, then we started talking to each other and she talks about how long she has been working for immigration and stuff. When the guy went back, he says I've been cleared and sorry for the trouble. Scary moment though, because if something didn't go right, I would be thrown back to the Phil. uh-oh matching mapping session starts tomorrow. Anyway, i continued walking, all around me were different nationalities, i hear taiwanese women speaking in Fookien (i understand them, but they have a different accent), some japanese, koreans, etc.. Again there was this checking of baggage, before this all, in SG airport, we were asked to fill up an info sheet to check if i brought stuff there like alcohol, etc. One was "Were you in any rural place the last 30 days? Are there soil articles left in your shoes?" It was also written there if i was not sure I check yes. So when I was asked if i did have soil articles, showed my shoes and told them i was not sure. Hehe. let me through, opened my luggage, checked the luggage, all clothes and medicine. And when they released me, i was free, looked around, looked for ATM machine, first ATM machine i tried didn't work, asked information and pointed me to next floor. Went up, withdrew money, and rode a TAXI. TAXI driver was lebanese. When i got at stamford, talked with the receptionist, then the guy helped me with the luggage to the room. Luckily, he didn't wait for any tips. Phew! I had called the receptionist so many times... why? (Asked how to operate internet, which i wasn't able to do, my safe had a problem two times, asked if i can leave a message to my companions) Even had a problem with my phone, cannot text, when Lionel called me using his phone,had a problem, He texted me that he and Vernon would fetch me at 7pm -pls reply. I wasn't able to reply. So at 7pm, waited outside, luckily Lionel came, waited for raffy, then went to chatswood. had korean food, wherein Waitress was beautiful :P Had ice cream in gelatissimo, went around, checked grocery. Then now i am here. Will still be editing this, kinda messed up. Going to sleep already. its late


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