my upcoming adventure...

and so, 6 days from now, i will be embarking on a new experience... for other people, traveling is normal and is part of their routine, whether every other year, yearly or even monthly travels... but for me, it would be a first. first time to travel out of the country... first time to live in a place on my own (well in a hotel though) but i have always stayed with either my family or friends... first time to take a plane for a long trip... first time to be alone on a plane... first time to really bring a luggage... and many more firsts for me... have always thought that i needed to experience becoming independent... well this is my chance... scary but exciting... be out for only 2 weeks though, but i think this is enough a long time to learn so much things... and i am grateful for this. have one week of work.. and have so much to fix and accomplish and meetings to attend to... have to think about so much things... so traveling is not really the focus on my mind right now... but its there for sure.. as again. i don't think i have the correct grammar usage. but oh well.. just wanting to blurt out whats in my head. hehe


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