Bagasbas Surf Festival trip April 4-6, 2009

This trip has truly pushed through. Thanks to marcos suggestion, pats organizing and non stop plan,n jims willingness to continuously check and update people! Definitely the trip wouldnt push through without these ppl and the "participants" themselves. The best thing that i think that was gained through this trip was the friendship that was made across my friends from diff groups, diff generations. I have made a new friend as well which was really memorable. I didnt really know how it would turn out but having shared common experiences with everyone, this was one key lesson i learned to building friendships.
We really had a tiring bus trip as it took us from 930pm - 9am the next day to get to bagasbas beach. ETA was 6am and unfortunately there was traffic.
Reg fee costs 500php by doing this we get to have a free shirt, free mojo slippers (which costs around 300php),30minutes of surfing,an opportunity to wallclimb. Definitely it was worth the P500.
Day 1 was very windy and rainy as it was a bad bad weather for all of us but then again we had the chance to surf as everyone else was a first time surfer except for me. I really had the edge as i definitely had many times of standing up and surfing with the waves. I was actually trting to learn to navigating and controlling the board. But then again there was the instructor pushing making it really easy.and it wasn't a short board as well. It was fun and my experience before truly made it different compared to thr people im with. Also was playing ultimate frisbee, a little beach volleyball.
Day 2 was skimboard, ultimate frisbee and wallclimbing day. This day was a better day in tems of the weather. And it was hot and i got burnt.i still have the burnt/allergy feeling which i always get when i go to the beach. So the theory is sunblock gives me allergies,,, how ironic as the lotion that should b giving me protection is actually giving me an allergy, this is a theory and remains to be proven.
Somethings to note of when staying here takes sooo long to be delivered when eating in a restaurant. 2.a lot of streetfood are sold; from icecream,mais,fishball kikiam,scramble,taho,etc 3. There are not much really good resorts.surfers diner is ok but not the best thing but in terms of price its cheap especially it can fit 8ppl.(sometimes no water,aircon seems to not really work,no shower traditional tabo n balde, tv no remote so impossible to turn on)
4. Waves are stronger and i think better than zambales


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