Warrior's Diet
and so I am torn on what diet I should be doing...Way back in college, the reason I lost a lot of weight around more than 10lbs was because I starved myself... Big time.. (Unhealthy, and not advisable), but worked! Well, walking was also part of the routine, instead of taking the jeep 4 rides to school, I take 3 jeeps, and walk one way. So that's equivalent to around 20-30 minutes walk everyday since i comute when going to school and going home from school. Then at dlsu, always was thrifty, budget was my lunch below P25 as much as possible because commuting reaches up to P25 one way (this by jeep and not mrt-lrt which would cost more). Yes, i was so thrifty that i didn't eat much, and walked a lot. Result: Success in terms of losing weight. Started really lifting weights around 3rd year college or 4th year. But didn't really have the "no-pain-no-gain" attitude yet during that time. So, worked out once a week, after each day, body didn't really hurt the next da...